
Through 网赌的十大网站's external partnerships with industry, 社区团体, and local and state government agencies we interface with the public and its leaders to identify and implement solutions that benefit the larger community.

网赌的十大网站是一个思想伙伴和领导者, 努力解决问题, 创新, 破坏, and build new systems that create a positive and measurable impact for families, 社区, 和国家. Whether it’s designing custom courses or opening up our courses and 培训s to your employees, 我们准备提供支持 and 技术 that is required to meet your specific goals and needs.

"One of the goals here at 网赌的十大网站 is to link arms with partners and create high-quality, affordable and flexible programs that build off of our expertise to meet community needs."

——网赌的十大网站院长Gena Bianco


We understand that every organization's talent needs are unique and present an opportunity to cultivate your employees to successfully meet your objectives. 我们努力了解您的需求, the development of your employees and the ethos of your organization to create a highly engaged successful workforce. Whether it’s maximizing the potential of your existing workforce, 从内部培养领导力, 或者建立一个进入你的特定行业的渠道, 我们准备提供支持, 技术, and partnership that is required to meet your specific goals and needs.


  • 培养员工的文化竞争力
  • working with you to define the skill sets and knowledge/competencies that need development
  • creating customized learning environments that are seamlessly aligned to your requirements
  • measuring the impact on the employees performance because the 培训 is aligned to your goals – create leadership at all levels
  • removing the barriers to effective professional development (on-site 培训, 在线培训, 混合方法.


Roger Williams University-网赌的十大网站 partners with the following business and 行业 leaders to provide affordable and accessible education and 培训 to attract and retain its workforce.  






Roger Williams University-网赌的十大网站 partners with the following business and 行业 leaders to provide affordable and accessible education and 培训 to make a positive impact on Rhode Island’s Economy and Workforce.



Since 1986, Roger Williams University has partnered with the Army 国民警卫队. Since that time, our programs have extended to all service members and military organizations. The School of Continuing Studies at RWU has affiliations with military organizations and units in multiple states including Rhode Island, 新泽西, 北卡罗来纳州和密西西比州的国民警卫队, 唐太斯, SOC, SOCNAV, SOCAD, SOCCOAST, SOCGUARD和海军教育训练中心. 

网赌的十大网站 is committed to the educational goals, SOC和唐太斯的原则和哲学.  Roger Williams University was one of the founding partners in the Army 国民警卫队 and Coast Guard Institutes.


The 海军学院课程 Distance Learning Partnership (NCPDLP) is a program designed to assist every sailor in obtaining a college degree while in the 海军. 作为NCPDLP的合作学校, Roger Williams University offers rating-related degree programs designed to meet the educational needs of sailors based on their military 培训 and their educational goals.

与美国合作.S. 海军, 网赌的十大网站 also offers the Legalman Paralegal Education Program (LPEP) to prepare sailors on a course for a career in the legal field.

Roger Williams University- 网赌的十大网站 partners with the following Rhode Island cities and towns to provide affordable and accessible education to All Residents in the following 社区:


Roger Williams University partners with Rhode Island’s charter schools, 私立学校, 私立学校, and public schools to provide affordable early and dual enrollment curriculum for pathways and CTE programs. 

For Teachers:  CTE Teacher Certification Program (one year)

博士联系. 林恩·贝达德 lbedard@delh.net



联系Brooke DeCiccio bdeciccio@delh.net


















If you're interested in becoming a partner, contact 网赌的十大网站 招生 at 加州大学招生 或致电(401)254-3838.